Unified Chaplains Association, Inc.

UCA Code Of Ethics

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UCA Code Of Ethics


UCA Chaplains Code of Ethics

I will hold in trust the traditions and practices of my religious association. I will carefully adhere to whatever direction may be conveyed to me by my endorsing association for maintenance of my endorsement.

I understand as a chaplain in the Unified Chaplains Association that I will function in a pluralistic environment with chaplains of other religious associations to provide for ministry to all individuals and their families entrusted to my care. I will seek to provide for pastoral care and ministry to persons of religious associations other than my own within my area of responsibility with the same investment of myself as I give to members of my own religious association. I will work collegially with chaplains of religious associations other than my own as together we seek to provide as full a ministry as possible to our people. I will respect the beliefs and traditions of my colleagues and those to whom I minister. When conducting services that include persons of other than my religious association, I will draw upon those beliefs, principles, and practices that we have in common. I will, if in a supervisory position, respect the practices and beliefs of each chaplain I supervise and exercise care not to require of them any service or practice that would be in violation of the faith practices of their particular religious association. I will seek to support all colleagues in ministry by building constructive relationships wherever I serve, both with the staff where I work and with colleagues throughout the World. I will maintain a disciplined ministry in such ways as keeping hours of prayer and devotion, endeavoring to maintain wholesome family relationships and regularly engaging in educational and recreational activities for professional and personal development. I will recognize that my obligation is to provide for the free exercise of religion for ministry to all individuals, their families. I will defend my colleagues against unfair discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion ethnicity, gender, disability, affectional or sexual orientation, age, language, citizenship status, economic status, or national origin. I will hold in confidence any privileged communication received by me during the conduct of my ministry. I will not disclose confidential communications in private or in public. I will not proselytize from other religious associations, but I retain the right to evangelize those who are not affiliated.

I will strive, together with my colleagues, to preserve the dignity, maintain the discipline and promote the integrity of the profession to which we have been called. I recognize the special power afforded me by my ministerial office. I will never use that power in ways that violate the individualism of another human being, religiously, emotionally or sexually. I will use my pastoral office only for that which is best for the persons under my ministry.


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